I am Lili Hernandez, I was born in Mexico and living in Denmark since 2014. I have 2 sons, one that is 4.5 years old who is obsessed with Lego and a one year old who loves dancing. I am married to a Dane, and so I have adopted Denmark as my second country, and[…]
Rebozo for Special Needs Children It is absolutely amazing what Diane Vincentz have told us about the rebozo techniques applied to Special Needs Children. It has touch us and motivates us so much that we want to spread the word for all these families that have a child with special need. Diane have wrote to[…]
Susanne er en passioneret jordemoderen som har over 16 års erfaring og er IBCLC uddannet ammekonsulent. ”Målet og ønsket med Jordemoderen er at kunne tilbyde gravide, partnere og nybagte familier nærværende og kompetent vejledning. Tilgangen er, at du som kender din krop bedst, ligesom I som forældre kender jeres barn bedst. Derfor tager min jordemoderfaglige[…]