- Sales of rebozos B2B & B2C
- Rebozo workshops: Learn the techniques.
- Rebozo Book: 15 effective techniques
- Please contact us for more information on prices and availability of services.

We work directly with unique artisans from different local areas of Mexico. By choosing Rebozo Copenhagen, you support these artisans in keeping their craft and traditions alive in their communities.
We pay a fair price so we can continue supporting these families and their beautiful artcraft.
All our rebozos are handwoven on pedal looms and the fringes are hand tied. They are unique, created by creative hands with empathy.


Distribution price
With Rebozo Copenhagen, you get:
- Fast delivery within 3 to 15 days. (Between 5 to 30 rebozos)
- You pay after we prepare your order and before the rebozos are sent.
- We review each rebozo as part of the process, to ensure consistent quality.
- We take care of the threads, quality, and ensure fair price for the artisans.
- Nordic colors, with combinations tailored to the european needs and
preferences. - We can do exactly the order that you want, if it is a special production then it
takes around 2 months to deliver your order.
All our Rebozos can be used as baby carriers or wraps depending on their length. They are certified in Denmark with the CE mark for ergonomic positions, safety, and freedom from chemicals. Babies can be carried in them from 0 to 5 years old.
You can see all our different models, colors, and functions on our website www.rebozocopenhagen.dk
For prices and discounts, please contact us, as it depends on the location to which you want the Rebozos shipped and the quantity you need.
Contact: info@rebozocopenhagen.dk +45 31315193
Rebozo workshop
Learn techniques for applying the Rebozo and leverage its various benefits during pregnancy, normal childbirth, as well as physiologically difficult births, and also postpartum.
My courses are aimed at midwives, doulas, and other professions working in the field of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Therefore, they are also of interest to physiotherapists, psychotherapists/stress therapists for adults and children, yoga teachers, as well as other professions specializing in children with special needs.
I master a wide range of techniques that combine theory and practice. In my workshops, I also delve into the cultural backgrounds and history. These are hands-on workshops where all participants work in pairs and have the opportunity to apply all techniques immediately.
All courses are tailored in terms of time and content. Typically, the course I teach lasts from 9 am to 5 pm and focuses on pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.
I also offer courses for individuals working with body and mind, teaching how the Rebozo is used for relaxation therapy. In this course, I demonstrate special exercises that can be used in the treatment of stress, anxiety, trauma, and sleep problems in children and adults.
Optimal courses have up to 20 participants to address individual needs. This way, I can provide each participant with the necessary attention and support.
The Rebozos are available for purchase during the course. If larger quantities are needed, please inform me in advance so that I can plan and prepare accordingly.
The costs of a workshop vary depending on the number of participants and the individual design. If you are interested or need further information, please contact me at the following address: adriana@rebozocopenhagen.dk
Adriana Barri

Rebozo massage benefits:
- Relief from pregnancy discomfort.
- Facilitates in getting the baby in the correct position in the pelvis
during pregnancy and birth. - Corrects baby head positions during birth.
- Natural pain relief as it relaxes the muscles.
- Muscle relaxation.
- Back problems.
- Alleviation of deep-seated pains.
- Tension headaches and neck tension.
- Helps to the body's recovery after childbirth.
- Balance the muscles, joints, and organs where hands cannot reach.
- Stretches the entire body.
- Sleeping problems.
- Gentle treatment for especially sensitive individuals who have
difficulty with direct touch. - Well-being and relaxation.

As the founder of Rebozo Copenhagen, I am committed to supporting birthing families and birth professionals by bringing traditional Mexican Rebozos and their application techniques to Europe.
In 2019, I founded Rebozo Copenhagen. As a Mexican living in Copenhagen since 2012 and married to a Dane named Christian, I am proud to share our mutual passion for traditional Mexican culture and craftsmanship with the world.
In the last month of my pregnancy, my midwife recommended using the Rebozo to relieve pain in my back, ribs, and pelvis - and it was like magic! The Rebozo was the only way for me to find sleep at night. My husband and I did the exercises we learned together every evening for 5-10 minutes, bringing us deep connection and relief.
We also used the Rebozo during labor, and it proved to be an amazing tool. After birth, I then used it as a baby carrier. As a scarf, I always had it handy, so I could spontaneously carry my 4-year-old son in it when his legs got tired.
I was so enthusiastic about my own Rebozo that I decided to make this traditional and versatile piece of Mexico accessible to all mothers, families, and birth professionals in Denmark and Europe. At the same time, I aim to support local family businesses and communities in Mexico.