Looking for childbirth preparation and pregnancy exercises to strengthen yourself physically and mentally before you give birth? We warmly recommend rebozo massage.

What is rebozo massage? How to make rebozo massage? Did you know that the rebozo massage has evolved through centuries of use of rebozos?

On this page you will find guidance and video guides for rebozo massage. You can do it with your partner or a friend, for example.

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We sell beautiful rebozos with multifunction:

✓ Scarf ✓ Carrying sling ✓ Rebozo massage (pregnant massage)

By choosing Rebozo Copenhagen, you support unique artisans in keeping their craft tradition alive and their local communities. Our rebozos are woven under ethical responsibility with a fair piece price and gender equality. Care for the environment: our rebozos are woven by hand and foot on a pedal loom. Each rebozo takes 1-3 days to weave.

“We weave our emotions, family life and history into the design and colors. The rebozo is much more than a piece of fabric”

Carlos, artisan

All about rebozo massage – questions and answers

Rebozo massage is a holistic non-invasive method to support pregnant women through their pregnancy, the method is originally from Mexico. It is a gentle, effective pregnancy massage that has been developed over many generations by skilled midwives who have experienced first-hand how it helps pregnant women through pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum.


Rebozo massage is:
– relief of pregnancy pain and discomfort
– safe and natural relaxation of the muscles where you need it
– to get the baby in the right position in the pelvis before birth
– painless and is also used for non-invasive reversal attempts (for breech babies)
– labor stimulation – during birth in the labor phase
– a help for the body to recover after childbirth
– also beneficial for other purposes
Rebozo massage is performed with a rebozo, hence the name. A rebozo is a traditional Mexican handwoven shawl/scarf. The massage has been developed based on the precise measurements and stretches of the rebozo.
A rebozo is woven by Mexican artisans who have passed down their knowledge and technique through out generations. All Mexican women have at least one rebozo, which they use as a shawl or scarf for dressing up, and for carrying their baby as well as for rebozo massage.

SHARE YOUR PREGNANCY – A way to be pregnant together

Rebozo massage is a fun, safe, natural and effective way to be pregnant with your partner, friends or family. It’s an experience you’ll remember and look back on with fond memories.


Massaging with a authentic handwoven rebozo targets muscles on the pregnant woman that can’t be reached with ordinary massage with hands or other types of fabric. A rebozo is also much easier to work with for a professional (midwife, doula, obstetrician, etc.) as the effect is achieved by less physical work, where the stretch and meassurement support the massager and the fabric easily grips, unlike other fabric types which do not envelop in the same way and can slip around during the massage.

Rebozo massage has the special effect of both relieving pregnancy discomfort and treating pain in pregnant women, and rebozo massage massages deeper in a safe way so that, for example by relaxing the deep muscles in the pelvis, you positively affect the baby with rocking movements and create better space for the baby in the belly.

This is one of the reasons why, with the right technique, rebozo massage can both rotate the baby into the right birthing position – ready for birth, the massage can labor stimulate and you can make painless reversal attempts in a natural and safe way for both mother and baby.

If you’re pregnant and want to try baby rotation, reversal attempt or labor stimulation, consult a professional who works with rebozo massage in their practice. This could be a midwife, doula or obstetrician. You are also welcome to contact us and we will be happy to send you a list of professionals who have experience with rebozo massage.

Did you know that rebozo massage can also be used to create calm and reassurance for children with, for example, autism, ADHD or particular sensitivities, as they may feel discomfort from sensory or physical touch. A rebozo´s measurement and stretch touches and massages in a pleasant not overwhelming way and the child receives a physical touch of the cloth that is not overstimulating but soothing. It can help your baby to calm down and fall asleep.

During pregnancy, many pregnant women find that the extra weight on their bodies and around their stomachs can cause discomfort. This can be, for example, back strain, discomfort in the pelvic area or leg pain. You typically gain around 5-20 kg during pregnancy, so it’s no wonder if you feel a little heavy and bothered. The body is challenged and the muscles work overtime.

Rebozo massage has become popular in recent years because it relieves the discomfort of pregnancy and soothes and relaxes, to the great relief and delight of pregnant women who have tried the method.


More and more midwives recommends and are using rebozo massage, as they have experienced how much it helps the pregnant woman during pregnancy, but also during labour, from when the first contractions start, and afterwards when the body needs to recover after the birth.

Rebozo massage works by taking a rebozo and spreading the centre of the rebozo over the area of the body you want to massage. The massage is given by gripping the ends of the rebozo and then switch between three techniques: shaking the muscles, stretching the muscles and pausing for relaxation between movements. Read more about the techniques in the section “How to do rebozo massage?”.

Rebozo massage can be used as a considerate massage to create calm and security for children with for example autism, ADHD, special sensitivities, body anxiety and the like, as they may feel discomfort with sensory or physical touch, where a rebozo’s target envelops the child in a pleasant, non-overpowering way.

The stretch from the hand wrap is the same type as a fixed wrap, but with the difference that a rebozo’s fabric feels neither stiff nor heavy, but instead light and the stretch works with the child’s movement and body in a non-invasive way. The child is physically touched by the cloth and sensually stimulated, without being overstimulated, but calming. It can help your baby to calm down and fall asleep.

If you have problems, major discomfort or complications during your pregnancy you should consult a professional before trying rebozo massage. It can be a midwife, doula or obstetrician.

Rebozo massage works by taking a rebozo and spreading the middle of the rebozo over the area of the body you want to massage, keeping a grip on the ends. You then switch between three techniques: shaking the muscles, stretching the muscles and pausing for relaxation between movements:

  1. Shake your muscles – you grab the ends of a rebozo and pull the middle from side to side to make small shakes on the area of the body you want to massage. The little shakes of the muscles have a soothing effect and loosen up the muscles. As mentioned in the above paragraph, rebozo massage penetrates deeper into the muscles that the pregnant woman needs to be massaged while not being uncomfortable for either mother or baby in the womb, and it is a natural and non-invasive way.
  2. Stretch your muscles – you take hold of the ends of a rebozo, which wraps around the pregnant woman where you want to stretch the muscles. You pull/stretch the rebozo, and the stretch in the rebozo takes hold, so the muscles are stretched too. Like the shaking exercise, this stretch penetrates deeper and works to stretch tight and locked muscles that is hard to reach otherwise. Stretching positively affects the muscles of the abdomen and pelvis and helps to provide better space for the baby in the abdomen, as relaxed muscles create a larger space inside the abdomen. This exercise effect cannot be achieved using another cloth without stretching, and the dimensions of a rebozo are adapted to cover the area of the body that the pregnant woman needs stimulated and relieved.
  3. Pause for relaxation – pausing between shaking and stretching exercises gives the optimal effect as it helps the muscles to relax after the gentle touch and you can feel the muscles relax after the massage.

The greatest effect is achieved if you do rebozo massage repeatedly.

You’ll also find our video guides and descriptions of specific exercises on this page below.

The answer is both yes and no.

That is, no, to doing rebozo alone, because there must be two people: one who receives and one who does the massage.

Yes, you can make it at home and elsewhere.

You can do rebozo massage on others yourself or have someone else do rebozo massage on you. For example, a friend or a partner. We recommend trying to swap roles a bit, so that the person performing tries it out for themselves. It gives a better understanding of how it feels and works, and you get better at performing the massage. As a pregnant woman, you obviously need to feel your own limits in terms of physical exertion. We don’t think a pregnant woman should strain herself, so if switching roles for a short time, she should avoid lifting exercises altogether and make sure there is no discomfort while the roles are switched.

However, if you have problems, major discomfort or complications during your pregnancy, you should consult a professional (midwife, doula, obstetrician, etc.) before trying rebozo massage.

Would you like rebozo massage to rotate your baby into the correct birthing position, turning attempts if your baby is in the sitting position (bottom down) or during labor and labor stimulation during birth in the labor phase? Then you should consult a professional, for example a midwife, doula or obstetrician, who uses rebozo massage as a tool for labor preparation and during labor. Perhaps your midwife already knows about rebozo massage and can advise you? You are also welcome to contact us if you would like a referral to some different professionals we know of who do rebozo massage.

You can find both video guides and description of exercises for rebozo massage on this page.

You can do rebozo massage on others yourself or have someone else do rebozo massage on you. For example, a friend or a partner. Find out more in the above section “Can I do rebozo massage myself?”.

Rebozo massage relieves pregnancy discomfort, pain and gives relaxation. You can do rebozo massage during pregnancy, in the labor phase of childbirth and postpartum.

It is a good idea to attend a prenatal (birth preparation) course or a rebozo massage workshop, where a professional can help and guide you so that you learn the different techniques and exercises in the best possible way and can use them afterwards. Rebozo massage has become increasingly popular in recent years, as there is a clear difference after treatment, and in most cases it results in a much better or pain-free pregnancy. Many also find that they give birth more easily and relax more during contractions. This is why there are now a number of clinics and professionals offering rebozo massage.

We also cooperate with several Danish hospitals. Hvidovre Hospital, Herlev Hospital, Rigshospitalet and Kolding Hospital, among others, practices rebozo massage for pregnant women and couples.

Some hospitals offer rebozo massage, where they use a sheet. If you bring your own freshly washed rebozo, they can use it for the massage if you have made an agreement with them beforehand. It will give you the best effect, as the rebozo massage technique has been developed through many centuries of using handwoven rebozos and following their measurements and stretches.

Our rebozos are multifunctional, so you can use them for rebozo massage and afterwards to carry your child from 0-5 years in a sling or ring sling. You can also use your rebozo as a scarf and shawl, so you can carry your fond memories of your time as a pregnant woman and with your baby and toddler. You can see our range of rebozos for massage – click here.

Rebozo Copenhagen also organises courses/events, often in collaboration with a birth professional or yoga instructor, offering rebozo massage alongside pregnant yoga. We also hold workshops in collaboration with a Mexican expert in rebozo massage for professionals who want to learn more or want to start up with rebozo massage as a tool/practice for their courses and workshops. These events sell out quickly. Follow us on this page to see ongoing events, which we hold about 3-4 times a year or follow us on instagram, where we also share upcoming events: @rebozocopenhagen

We are working on a newsletter. Once it’s up and running, you’ll also be able to get first notice of upcoming events as a newsletter recipient, and we’ll share tips and advice, special offers and more.

Some may think that they can just use a towel, bed linen or plain scarf and the like. Here you can read that even if you can do it, why you do not get the same effect and relief of discomfort or pain. It is amoung other reasons impractical when you have too much material between your hands and around your pregnant body to do the exercises. You can bring your own freshly washed rebozo to the hospital for rebozo massage during labor in the labor phase. Arrange this in advance with your midwife, doula or obstetrician if it is possible.

The rebozo has the right dimensions and stretch – so you get the full effect

Which came first the chicken or the egg? We can clearly say that the rebozo scarf came first, and over the centuries Mexican midwives developed the rebozo massage, which is traditionally performed with a handwoven rebozo. A rebozo therefore has the precise measurements, both in length and width, to suit the various rebozo exercises. A rebozo is perfect for getting a good grip with your hands, and there’s not too much fabric around the pregnant woman’s tummy or pelvis. It is also better for professionals to work with:

The precise measurements are important for the masseur (for example, your partner, doula or midwife) to massage in the right position. The rebozo is gentle while getting a real grip and deeper into the muscles than other fabrics, due to its measurements and handwoven rebozo stretch. Therefore, it also spares the back of professionals, who do not have to use as much effort as with other garments, and avoids the fabric slipping both in the hands of the masseur and on the pregnant body. With a real rebozo, you can safely do the three rebozo techniques described in the section “How to do a rebozo massage”, and get the most out of the rebozo massage. Unfortunately, if the measurements do not fit the pregnant woman’s body and there is no stretch in the garment used, a large part of the beneficial effect is lost.

All our rebozos for rebozo massage also have multifunction, so they can be used during pregnancy for rebozo massage, after pregnancy to carry the child from 0-5 years in a sling or ring sling and it can also be used as a scarf with good memories preserved.

The demand for rebozo massage has gradually become great. Many are told they can just “save money” and use a sheet, towel or scarf. You can, but as described in the previous section, you unfortunately do not get the same effect from the massage. Among other things, because the fabric does not work with the body in the same way, it slides around more easily and other garments are not tailored to fit the body. Some clothes people use don’t have stretch, and then you also lose an important part of the rebozo massage, as the stretch in a rebozo helps to grip the muscles and makes it easier to do the exercises.

If you use an authentic rebozo for rebozo massage, you get the optimal effect and it works deeper into the muscles, which is especially nice and effective for a pregnant woman who wants to relieve pregnancy pains and would like to loosen up sore muscles, for example in the lower back and pelvis.

You can buy an authentic handwoven rebozo in our webshop. We work with various artisans who have passed down their expertise through generations. Each features their local family workshop in Mexico with the family’s chosen colours, texture and finished fringe knotted/tied by hand in the family’s unique design.

Shop rebozos for rebozo massage

We have six sizes of rebozo, which are divided by how long they are. You can use all from size -> size 1-4 for rebozo massage.

Private customers

You can use anyone from size 1-4 for rebozo massage. You may want to choose a rebozo with multifunction (scarf, sling from 0-5 years and for rebozo massage), which is our size 1-3.

If you want to make a wrap, choose size 4, which is under our wrap category, because size 4-6 are the longest rebozos, and you need more length to tie a wrap that is tied over both shoulders.

A carry sling (with multifunction), which is our size 1-3, is tied over one shoulder. On the other hand, it is incredibly easy and quick to tie, even if you choose a ring sling when purchasing rings.

However, Size 1 will be too short for exercises where the person massaging is standing up and massaging someone who is lying down.

Size 5 and 6 are too long for rebozo massage. The two lengths are suitable for making wraps, but if you still want to try using them a bit for rebozo massage, try tying some knots at both ends to shorten the length of them so they’re easier to work with.


You can use anyone from size 1-4 for rebozo massage.

We recommendsize 2 and 3, which in the long term is most gentle on the back, as you achieve the best possible position and length and width to work firmly with rebozo massage.

If you are taller than 185 cm, we recommend that you choose size 3 or 4.

Our recommendation is based on the assumption that a professional will do rebozo massage often and over many sessions. Whereas a private customer/pregnant is going to do rebozo massage over a shorter period of time and can therefore choose whether the person also wants to use their rebozo for a scarf and sling (size 1-3) or as a wrap (size 4-6). And the size for rebozo massage is often a secondary priority.

However, Size 1 will be too short for exercises where the person massaging is standing up and massaging someone who is lying down. But it is good as a complementary rebozo for massaging smaller body parts, for example the head or legs.

Size 5 and 6 are too long for rebozo massage. The two lengths are suitable for making wraps, but if you want a wrap first and foremost, but also want to try using them a little for rebozo massage, try tying some knots at both ends to shorten the length of them so they’re easier to work with.

shop rebozos for rebozo massage

Video guides to rebozo massage

Manteada lower back massage exercise – 1 min 57 sec

Practical exercises with rebozo massage

Manteada rebozo exercise

What’s the Effect:

– Relaxation of the lower back, pelvic floor and the buttocks.
– Relieves general back pain.


During pregnancy

During the birth (and labor) stage


Guidance and tips

– Place the centre of the rebozo around the pregnant woman’s hips so that it covers the buttocks from the waist to the thighs.

– With a grip on the ends of the rebozo, move the rebozo in a short back and forth rhythm, or in a fast vibrating motion of the pregnant woman’s choice. That is, you shake your bottom from side to side. (See video above.)

– You may also move in a figure eight to fully relax the pelvis.

– Try to be as close to the pregnant woman as possible, either kneeling or squatting on both knees. When you press the rebozo downwards against your body, you will also involve the persons lower back in the movement. Pressing the rebozo forward will also massage the buttocks, which has a relaxing effect on the pelvic floor.

– We recommend that if you are using a birthing/yoga ball, you should put a soft cloth on the ball to make it more comfortable in terms of smell and pleasant skin contact.

Standing up – back massage exercise

What’s the Effect:

Relaxes the lower back and pelvis.


During pregnancy

During the birth (and labor) stage

Guidance and tips

– The pregnant women should stand with her feet slightly apart. Take off socks and shoes (bare toes) to avoid slipping.

– Place the rebozo around the hips, from the waist to the upper part of the thighs, in order to cover the whole pelvic area.

– The center of the rebozo should be on the woman’s tailbone with equal length pieces of fabric to hold on both sides.

– Grasp both ends of the rebozo and ensure a firm grip by wrapping them around the wrists

– Start with a relaxed rhythm, pulling from one side of the cloth to the other. You should move in the same way as the pregnant woman, so that she does not take the lead and move the rebozoen herself.

– It can be small or large movements, depending on the pregnant woman’s preferences.

Waist Massage

– The pregnant woman stands, as described above, or sitting down with the rebozo is folded in half and placed around her waist.

– The woman can choose to have the arms inside or outside the rebozo, if she has the arms outside it gives more mobility in the shoulders.

Seated – massage of shoulders and back

What’s the Effect:

– Relaxes the shoulders, back and torso
– Improves contractions – contraction stimulation


During Birth

During pregnancy

Guidance and tips

– The pregnant woman should sit on the edge of the chair so that there is room for her to lean back.

– Place the open rebozo over the shoulders and back with the centre of the rebozo on the back, leaving equal lengths of fabric on both sides. When the woman leans back, she should feel supported by the rebozo on both sides.

– Now pull the rebozo from side to side. Start slowly, increasing to a more intense rhythm. Take short breaks in between sessions.

– To ensure her continued relaxation, ask the woman about her preferences.

A mini-series on rebozo massage


Section 1 – About rebozo in pregnancy

Danish midwife Laura has travelled and lived for a period in Mexico to be trained in rebozo massage and to learn about Mexican birth culture. She talks about her experiences with a traditional Mexican midwife Angelina.

Owner of Rebozo Copenhagen, Mexican-born Adriana, talks about her own experience with rebozo and the start of her rebozo adventure.

– This video is made by Susanne, owner of Jordemoderen. Susanne is a passionate midwife with over 16 years of experience and IBCLC trained lactation consultant. She has been working with rebozo for 8 years and loves rebozo’s magic!

rebozo massage is natural and safe pregnancy massage

Rebozo massage treats and relieves pregnancy symptoms

Rebozo massage is used during pregnancy as a pain-relieving and relaxing massage for the back, lower back, buttocks and pelvic floor. It helps to get the baby in a good position before birth, and can also get the baby to turn correctly.

Used in Danish hospitals and by professionals for prenatal care.

The Rebozo technique is used in Danish hospitals: Hvidovre Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Herlev Hospital and more. Also used in many hospitals around the world. Midwives and doulas use it for their childbirth preparation courses, for workshops and as a helpful tool for pregnant women.

Webshop with authentic rebozos for rebozo massage

In our webshop you will find a good selection of authentic rebozos for rebozo massage – Nordic style combined with authentic Mexican craftsmanship. By choosing Rebozo Copenhagen, you support local artisans in keeping their tradition and craft alive in their communities.

Rebozo multifunction for rebozo massage – size 1-3


Rebozo Emma

Rebozo Emma Sand


Rebozo for wrap – size 4-6

See more