Interview with Veronica Biasotti, owner of POLVERE DI NANNA, Babywearing

We had interviewed Veronica, who is an extraordinary and dedicated babywearing consultant. You will read about her story, her experience and some tips about babywearing.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

Hello! My name is Veronica and I live in Italy (in Tuscany). I am married with Giovanni since 2016 and I’m a mom of two children: almost 4 years old Filippo and almost 2 years old Sofia. I have a degree in pedagogy and i’m a babywearing consultant. By becoming a mom I approached the world of babywearing and high contact and I decided to make it my job!

– Many cultures have carried their babies in a rebozo for centuries. But it is not so common in Europe, as a rebozo in Europe is known as an amazing tool for doing rebozo massage during pregnancy and birth.

How did you start using a rebozo? Were you nervous to try it at first?

True, in Europe the rebozo is little used, here in Italy in particular … In recent years it has spread a little more, but it certainly does not have the significance and importance it has in South American countries where it is a cultural element. In particular I’ve discovered the rebozo thanks to a workshop I attended a year ago. I deepened the uses of rebozo and its traditions and I learned the bindings that are usually made for babies. I have never had a massage experience with the rebozo and it is a part that I would like to deepen in the near future because I find it very interesting!

How has your experience with the rebozo has been?

I used the rebozo, and I still use, with my children, in particular with the second one who is a high-contact child and does a lot of “ups and downs” …when she wants to walk I can use it as a beautiful accessory for me!

I had a great time with rebozos because they are really versatile! They can be used on the side and back, but also heart to Heart! … And they can also be used as an accessory, shawl, blanket … they are really fantastic!

Do you find a rebozo safe and ergonomic?

Absolutely yes! The rebozos are safe and ergonomic just like the classic rigid wraps. Obviously they must be used in the correct way, therefore it’s not good to improvise ligatures in order not to risk positioning the child in an unsafe manner.

What is your advice to people who want to use a rebozo or a wrap for the first time?

Well, rebozos can be used exactly like a short-sized wrap (2-3 depending on the size) or, with the addition of two rings, as a ring sling. Those who already know how to use short-size wraps will have no problems using the rebozo, for those who have not yet had the opportunity to use them, I would recommend starting with a consultation to find out how to make the most of this fantastic support!

Please share 2 or 3 of your best rebozo tips.

The rebozo in size 2 – 2.2 m I think is perfect for hip carrier, a simple hammock with a slipknot and we will have a pre-tied tie to use when needed! With a rebozo in size 3 m, on the other hand, we can also try a rucksack or heart to heart tying and, if you don’t get to tie the knot, a trick is to use a ring so as to use less fabric in the closure!

Which type of knots can you do with a rebozo?

There are many different types of knots, the ones I prefer and find the most functional are the flat knot and the slip knot. The flat knot in particular, having a smooth side, is fantastic for all back fasteners, as they are less annoying than a classic knot. The slip knot, on the other hand, is very useful, not only for the hammock on the side as I suggested before, but also to close other bindings, so as to have some kind of slip rings to loosen and tighten the binding more easily!

What do you like about Rebozo Copenhagen and our rebozos?

So, thanks to Adriana, I was lucky enough to try Amaya in size 2.2m and Emma in size 3m. They are both great!

You can see more about Veronica in and in instagram @polveredinanna