These same techniques are excellent for sore backs and stiff joints, also for non-pregnant persons (kids, men and women).

or the post-partum, the rebozo is used as an old technique from Mexican midwifery in order to close the spiritual, emotional and physical opening that occurs in women with the arrival of a baby.

The body is wrapped in parts, from the feet to the head and from the head to the feet or vice versa. Holding the fabric with your hands, we carry out a gentle but firm traction generating that closing sensation.

Sitting- Upper Back Massage

What's the Effect:

- Relaxes the shoulders, back and torso
- Encourages movement during contractions


During Birth

During pregnancy

Tips and Considerations:

- The pregnant woman should sit on the edge of the chair, so she has space to lean back.

- Place the open rebozo over the shoulders and back, ensuring it is evenly distributed. When leaning back, she should feel supported on all sides by the rebozo.

- Commence in a slow fashion, building to a more intensive rhythm.

- To ensure her continued relaxation, ask the woman about her preferences.

Back Massage – sitting position

What's the Effect:

- Relaxes the lower back and the buttocks.
- Encourages movement during contractions.


During the dilatation stage

During pregnancy

Tips and Considerations:

- The pregnant woman should sit on the edge of the chair, so she has space to lean back. with the rebozo covering her buttocks and lower back.

- If the mom leans back slightly apart, she must feel that she is supported on all sides by the rebozo.

- Make sure it is evenly distributed so that you have equal amounts of cloth to hold onto.

- Make sure that the rebozo is taut and that your arms are straight.

- The mom should experience that you are not pulling hard.

- It helps the pregnant woman with Braxton- Hicks contractions or during labor, as a result of the relaxation of the belly muscles.

- Try to smoothly move the rebozo from one side to the other side, increasing in intensity as the woman desires.

Head Massage

What's the Effect:

- Relaxation of the neck.



During pregnancy

Tips and Considerations:

- The woman should lie on the floor, with a pillow below her knees if necessary.

- Either on your knees or standing, lift the rebozo so that the woman’s head is slightly off the floor and use a rolling movement from left to right. Ensure the head is fully supported by the rebozo.

- As with all the movements, the woman should dictate the manner of movement she finds most pleasant.

Lying Massage

What's the Effect:

- Relaxation of all the pelvis and back


Postpartum ceremony
During pregnancy

Tips and Considerations:

- The mom lies on her back, it will be nice if she is not direct to the floor as it can be cold. The head can be resting on a pillow.

- The legs can be extended on the floor, she can have a pillow below her knees or she can bend the knees.

- It is important to place your feet as close to the woman as possible, so you can have a better balance and it’s not so hard for you.

- Anbring rebozoen under kvindens balder. Være sikker på at rebozoen dækker hele bækkenområdet fra taljen og til lårene.

- The center of the rebozo is below the tailbone of the woman

- Wrap the rebozo around your wrists, so you can get a good grip.

- The firm grip is needed when you are lifting the woman up a little bit

- Grasp the end of the rebozo, bend your knees a little bit and be sure your back is straight.

- Move the rebozo from one side to the other side

- Always ask the mom how intense she will like the movement, if slow and rolling or short and fast.


What's the Effect:

- Relaxation of the lower back, pelvic floor and the buttocks.
- Relieves general back pain.


During the dilatation stage

During pregnancy

During Postpartum

Tips and Considerations:

- Wrap the rebozo around the pregnant woman’s hips of the woman, covering all the buttocks from the waist to the upper legs.

- Move the rebozo in a short back and forth rhythm, or in a fast vibrating motion as the pregnant woman chooses

- You may also move in a figure eight to fully relax the pelvis.

- Strive to be as close to the pregnant woman as possible, kneeling on one or both knees. When you put downwards pressure on the rebozo, you will further involve the lower back in the movement, and pulling the rebozo forward will allow a massaging of the buttocks which has a relaxing effect on the pelvic floor.

- We recommend that if you are using a birthing ball, place a rebozo or a soft towel on the surface, to provide a more comforting smell and contact.