This page will help you find your size for rebozo massage. The size guide is divided into between private customers and professionalsas there is a significant difference in frequency of use. Professionals include midwives, doulas, obstetricians, physiotherapists, and similar practitioners.

Our handwoven multifunctional rebozos come with diagonal stretch and provide maximum ergonomics for both the baby and the mother/partner. At the same time they are soft and light. The rebozo sling can be used from newborn up to 4 years old / 2.5 kg – 20 kg.

If you are looking for a rebozo for wrapping to carry your child (from newborn up to 4 years old / 2.5 kg – 20 kg) insteadklik her

Rebozo Marie Blue Light Grey tørklæde til rebozo massage for par

Rebozo massage – private customer

We have six sizes of rebozos – size 1-6. You can use all of them for rebozo massage. Start with your own clothing size and choose from the following sizes:

Size 1 (xs-s) – length 2.20 metres ✓ scarf ✓ carry sling and ✓ rebozo massage of smaller body parts.

Size 2 (m-l) – length 2.85 metres ✓ scarf ✓ carry sling and ✓ rebozo massage.

Size 3 (l-xl) – length 3.00 metres ✓ scarf ✓ carry sling and ✓ rebozo massage.

Size 4 (s-xs) – length 3.70 metres ✓ carry wrap and ✓ rebozo massage.

Size 5 (s-m-l) – length 4,20 meter ✓ A wrap for babywearing and ✓ rebozo massage.

Size 6 (one size – xs – xl) – length 4,70 meters ✓ babywearing and ✓ rebozo massage.

If you mainly want to use your rebozo for rebozo massage, we recommend that you choose size 2 and 3, which are our rebozo with multifunction (size 1-3). The multifunction is: scarf, carry sling and for rebozo massage. A baby sling is tied over one shoulder – an easy and ergonomic way to carry your child from 0-4 years. You can use size 1 for rebozo massage of smaller body parts. However, Size 1 is not long enough for the person performing the massage to stand up and perform a massage on a person lying down. See our range of rebozos with multifunction – click here.

You can use size 4, 5, and 6 forwrapping and rebozo massage. A wrap is tied over both shoulders to carry your child from 0-4 years. Would you like to buy a baby wrap? – Check the selection here. Size 5 and 6 are the longest of our rebozos and are excellent for rebozo massage in a shorter period, especially when you primarily want a wrap. You can tie knots on the loose hanging ends and thereby shorten the length of the rebozo.

Rebozo massage – professional

We recommend that you use size 2 and 3 for work with rebozo massage.

Rebozo for professional use

How to choose: Start with your own clothing size and decide whether you want multifunction (scarf, baby sling, and massage) or if you also want your rebozo to be able to be tied for wrapping.

Resale to clients

You can also choose based on whether you want to resell rebozos to your clients, depending on what they might want in terms of carrying their child as either a sling or wrap or if they also want to use the rebozo as a scarf (size 1-3).

Size 1 (xs-s) – length 2.20 metres ✓ scarf ✓ carry sling and ✓ rebozo massage of smaller body parts.

Size 2 (m-l) – length 2.85 metres ✓ scarf ✓ carry sling and ✓ rebozo massage.

Size 3 (l-xl) – length 3.00 metres ✓ scarf ✓ carry sling and ✓ rebozo massage.

Size 4 (s-xs) – length 3.70 metres ✓ carry wrap and ✓ rebozo massage.

By following our recommendation, you get the best possible grip on your rebozo, and the client gets the most benefit from the massage, which is better for your back in the long run. Size 1 can be used as an additional rebozo for massaging smaller body parts, but it is too short to stand up and massage a person lying down.

Size 4 is for rebozo massage and wrapping: A wrap is long enough for carrying over two shoulders, unlike a sling, which is worn over one shoulder. Both are for carrying a child from newborn up to 4 years old / 2.5 kg – 20 kg. We do not recommend size 5 and 6 for working with rebozo massage, as they are very long and can become impractical. However, size 5 and 6 are suitable for rebozo massage in a shorter period, especially when your primary focus is on using them as a wrap. You can tie knots on the loose hanging ends to shorten the length of the rebozo like this.

Rebozo multifunction for rebozo massage – size 1-3

Original price was: kr.785,00.Current price is: kr.650,00.

Rebozo Emma

Rebozo Emma Green

Original price was: kr.785,00.Current price is: kr.650,00.

Rebozo Emma

Rebozo Emma Black

Original price was: kr.785,00.Current price is: kr.650,00.

Rebozo for wrap – size 4-6

rebozo massage is natural and safe pregnancy massage

Rebozos that are authentic, ergonomic and high quality

Rebozo massage (‘manteada’) is used during pregnancy as a pain-relieving and relaxing massage for the back, lumbar region, buttocks, and pelvic floor. It helps the baby to position itself optimally before birth and can also encourage the baby to rotate correctly during labor. It can even help initiate labor and is also used by rebozo-savvy midwives for breech attempts and to correct a ‘stargazing’ baby. It is also used after childbirth for treatment and relaxation.

Used in Danish hospitals and by professionals for prenatal care.

The Rebozo technique is used in Danish hospitals: Hvidovre Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Herlev Hospital and more. Also used in many hospitals around the world. Midwives and doulas use it for their childbirth preparation courses, for workshops and as a helpful tool for pregnant women.

Description and video guides

You can also read more and learn how to do rebozo massage at our page with instructions and video guides for rebozo massage – tab menu “rebozo massage”.

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