How to get started easily

On this page you will find tips and video guides on how to tie a wrap, both with a knot or with rings.

Our handwoven wrap rebozos are soft 100% cotton woven wraps with diagonal stretch for maximum support for baby and mother/partner. To carry your child from 0-5 years.

Wraps: Size 4-6 is length between 3.70 meters to 4.70 meters and is called a wrap. Ties over both shoulders.

Vikle Emma Grey Sand Rebozo - Back Wrap Cross Carry ved havet

Ved at vælge ægte håndvævede rebozos fra Rebozo Copenhagen støtter du kunsthåndværkere i at holde deres håndværkstradition og lokalsamfund i live. Vores rebozos væves under social ansvarlighed med ligestilling mellem køn og med mindre miljøbelastning, da de væves med hånd- og fodkraft på en pedalvæv. Det tager 2-3 dage at væve en rebozo vikle. 

Forslag til forskellige bindinger af vikler

Rebozo for wrap - size 4-6: You can make these different bindings/babywearings:

(You can make a few wraps with size 1-3. If you wear size xs, s or m and buy size 3, you can make more wraps, as you can see in the chart below.*)

Size 1: (Length 2.20 meters) Back carrying
Size 2: (Length 2.85 meters) Back wrap and Short ruckless bikini (RBC)
Size 3: (Length 3.00 meters): Back wrap, Short ruckless bikini (RBC), *If you wear clothing size XS, S or M: Double Hammock Carry (DH), Front Cross Carry, Kangaroo Carry, Poppins Carry and Rucksack Carry, (Candy Cane Chest Belt).
Size 4: (Length 3.70 metres): Back Carry, Short Ruckless Bikini (RBC), Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC), Back Wrap Cross Carry, Pocket Wrap Cross Carry and Hip Wrap Cross Carry. Double Hammock Carry (DH), Front Cross Carry, Kangaroo Carry, Poppins Carry and Rucksack Carry, (Candy Cane Chest Belt).
Size 5: (Length 4.20 meters): Short ruckless bikini (RBC), Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC), Back Wrap Cross Carry, Pocket Wrap Cross Carry and Hip Wrap Cross Carry. Double Hammock Carry (DH), Front Cross Carry, Kangaroo Carry, Poppins Carry and Rucksack Carry, (Candy Cane Chest Belt).
Size 6: (Length 4.70 meters): Short ruckless bikini (RBC), Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC), Back Wrap Cross Carry, Pocket Wrap Cross Carry and Hip Wrap Cross Carry. Double Hammock Carry (DH), Front Cross Carry, Kangaroo Carry, Poppins Carry and Rucksack Carry, (Candy Cane Chest Belt).

Tips og video-guides til rebozo vikler

- til at bære dit barn (0-5 år)

En tryg og sikker rede - babyen husker livmoderen


Babies are in a safe place, cry less and sleep more heart to heart or on their mother's back. They feel her breath, her heart and remember the womb. Babies who are in close contact with their mother/father are more comfortable, calm and feel secure. A rebozo is safe and ergonomically correct. It provides optimal support for a growing baby's head and spine.


Fra nyfødt og mens barnet er lille giver det tryghed, ro og nærhed.

Binding i foto:

Vikle: Kangaroo Carry - Nyfødt baby - 5 år. Model: Rebozo Emma Turquoise - vikle size 4-6 - se varen.


VIKLE - Fra 0-5 år

I denne video kan du se, hvor nemt man kan binde en kangaroo carry - vikle, når man er øvet. Det er en vikle, der meget nem at binde, som imiterer den trygge og sikre kænguru mors pung. Forskning har vist, at bæring af baby på kroppen har en positiv effekt på babyers sundhed og levedygtighed. Vi anbefaler altid, at man øver sig lidt forinden med fx en pude i stedet for ens baby.
Tag dig god tid med nyfødt og til barnet holder sit hoved sikkert i forhold til hele tiden at huske hoved- og nakkestøtte til baby, mens du binder viklen.

Follow our safety guide for your baby's safety and for optimal use of your rebozo. See safety and washing instructions - click here

Tips: Fold a cloth into the fabric of the sling behind the neck/back of the head of the newborn baby for even more support and security.

Reduces colic and reflux and helps baby's digestive system.


In a rebozo wrap, belly-to-belly and vertical position aids digestion and reduces colic. It also relieves reflux, where babies get acid reflux from the throat and vomit a lot.

Man kan lave hud-mod-hud kontakt - også kaldet Kangaroo Care, hvor den nyfødte bæres i "en pung" ligesom ved en kænguru mor. Husk, altid alt vaske en ny vikle før brug: For renhed og stoffets stræk kan "sætte sig på plads" med optimalt støtte og blødhed. (Forsker Dr. Edgar Rey Sanabria implementerede i 1970´erne hud-mod-hud/kangaroo care og så straks et fald i både infektioner og forbedret levedygtighed hos nyfødte.)


For babies with colic (colic baby), baby with reflux and newborns in general. How long at a time can you carry the baby? - Read more in our safety guide - see here.

Binding i foto:

Vikle: Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) - Nyfødt baby. Model: Rebozo Emma Sand - vikle size 4-6 - se varen. Man kan også bruge kangaroo carry.

VIDEO-GUIDE: BINDING AF FWCC - lukning med ring

VIKLE - Fra 0-5 år

I denne video kan du se, hvor nemt man kan binde en front wrap cross carry - vikle, med ringlukning, når man er øvet. FWCC er en smuk og populær vikle binding, der giver maximal støtte, og er nem at binde med en rebozo vikle. Vi anbefaler altid, at man øver sig lidt forinden med fx en pude i stedet for ens baby.
BEMÆRK: Men tag dig god tid med nyfødt og til barnet holder sit hoved sikkert i forhold til hele tiden at huske hoved- og nakkestøtte til baby, mens du binder viklen.

Follow our safety guide for your baby's safety and for optimal use of your rebozo. See safety and washing instructions - click here

Tips: Fold a cloth into the fabric of the sling behind the neck/back of the head of the newborn baby for even more support and security.

Styrker den motoriske og sociale udvikling - uden overstimulering


Fremmer barnets motoriske udvikling. Ved at være i samme højde som mor/far/partner bliver babyen let integreret i det sociale liv. Babyen føler sig tryg ved at kunne se ud, uden at blive overstimuleret. 
Ved baby/det lille barn skal viklen bindes så stoffet støtter nakken/baghoved - indtil barnet selv holder sit hoved sikkert. Fx ved binding, der krydser over barnets ryg skal den op omkring det nederste af barnets baghoved.
Ved et større baby, der mestrer at holde sit hoved sikkert og sagtens kan sidde uden at falde sammen og evt. kravle (fra ca. 8-9 mdr.), så kan man vælge at have en arm fri eller begge, så barnet bedre kan følge med i det, der sker, og styrke sin motorik.
Fra baby holder hoved selv og op til 5 år.

Binding i foto:

Vikle: Reinforced Rear Rucksack - Bæring på ryg: Anbefaler vi først fra ca. 8 mdr. når barnet mestrer at holde sit hoved sikkert og har en stærk ryg muskulatur. Model: Rebozo Emma Green Mint - vikle size 4-6 - se varen.


VIKLE - Fra baby holder sikkert hoved selv (ca. fra 8-9 mdr.) op til 5 år

Her er et link til en you-tube video, hvor du kan se, hvordan man binder en reainforced rear rucksack vikle:
BEMÆRK: Når barnet selv mestrer at holde sit hoved sikkert, kan man bære det på ryggen, men husk rygstøtte og dæk så meget af ryggen med udglattet, fast og tætsiddende rebozo stof. Svøb babyens arme, og barnets hænder skal være oppe ved dets ansigt. Mestrer barnet at sidde selv og opbygget en stærk ryg muskulatur, kan man lade den have en eller begge arme fri.

Follow our safety instructions. See safety and washing instructions - click here

Stimulering af for tidligt fødte - psykisk-emotionelt og fysisk udvikling


Ved for tidlig fødsel (præmatur barn) hjælper kropskontakt mellem mor og barn med at øge den psykisk-emotionelle og fysiske udvikling. En rebozo er sikker og ergonomisk korrekt. Den giver optimal støtte til et voksende babyhoved og rygsøjlen.
Man kan lave hud-mod-hud kontakt - også kaldet Kangaroo Care, hvor den nyfødte bæres i "en pung" ligesom ved en kænguru mor. Husk, altid alt vaske en ny vikle før brug: For renhed og stoffets stræk kan "sætte sig på plads" med optimalt støtte og blødhed. (Forsker Dr. Edgar Rey Sanabria implementerede i 1970´erne hud-mod-hud/kangaroo care og så straks et fald i infektioner og forbedret levedygtighed hos nyfødte.)

In premature babies (preterm infants). Read our safety guide: click here.

Binding af vikle til nyfødte og tidligt fødte babyer:

Rebozo wrap: baby should be on mother's tummy/chest facing mother/father/partner. It is important that you follow our safety guide - click here. The baby's neck and the back of its head must be supported by the rebozo, and it is important that you regularly check that the baby has a free airway and that the fabric is firm and smooth around the baby's back so that the baby does not "sink". If you follow the safety instructions, there is no limit to how much you can carry your baby - see the range of rebozos for wraps here.

Forslag til vikler bindinger/bæring: Kangaroo carry og front wrap cross carry



I denne video kan du se, hvordan man binder en front wrap cross carry - vikle. I denne video tages udgangspunkt i hoved- og nakkestøtte til en nyfødt. Du kan bære dit barn i denne vikle-binding fra 0-5 år. Det er en smuk og populær binding, der giver maximal støtte, og er nem at binde med en rebozo som vikle. Vi anbefaler altid, at man øver sig lidt forinden med fx en pude i stedet for ens baby.

Follow our safety guide for your baby's safety and for optimal use of your rebozo. See safety and washing instructions - click here

Tips: Fold a cloth into the fabric of the sling behind the neck/back of the head of the newborn baby for even more support and security.

Større frihed med hænderne frie til gøremål og på tur

Vikle Emma Grey Sand Rebozo - Back Wrap Cross Carry ved havet


Man har større frihed med hænderne frie, så man kan lave forskelige ting og gøremål, mens barnet kan følge med og ikke føler sig overset. Meget bekvem måde i forhold til transport, når det skal være let og mindre at slæbe med. Man kan nemt gå en tur, tage ud at handle, shoppe eller nyde en gåtur i naturen osv. Man kan også bruge sin slynge eller vikle til at lulle babyen i søvn, mens den føler sig tryg med sin omsorgsperson.
Når man ikke skal bære sit barn, kan man nemt folde rebozoen sammen, som næsten ikke fylder noget, og binde det om hanken eller ned i sin taske eller man kan tage det rundt om sig som tørklæde eller sjal. Så har man det lige ved hånden, når behovet for at bære sit barn opstår.
Fra barnet er 0-5 år.

Bindinger i fotos:

Alle bindinger, både slynger og vikler giver større frihed - Modeller: Rebozo Emma Grey - vikle size 4-6 - se varen. Rebozo Emma Grey Sand - vikle size 4-6 - se varen.Rebozo Marie Purple size 1-3 - se varen. Rebozo Emma Green Mint size 1-3 - se varen.

Om vikler - spørgsmål og svar 

The difference between a wrap and a sling:

A sling is shorter in length than a wrap. A sling is long enough to be tied over one shoulder and a back carry where a wrap is long enough to be tied over two shoulders.

At Rebozo Copenhagen we sell rebozos for slings in the lengths: 2,20 meters, 2,85 meters and 3,00 meters.

Vi forhandler rebozos til vikler i længderne: 3,70 meter, 4,20 meter og 4,70 meter.

- All our rebozos size 1-3 have multifunction: carry sling from newborn (from 3200 grams) 0-5 years, scarf and for rebozo massage (pregnant massage).

Here you can read about the benefits of choosing a wrap from Rebozo Copenhagen.

The advantage of choosing a wrap from Rebozo Copenhagen

Our rebozos size 4-6 fit in length to tie a wrap, which you tie over two shoulders. They are similar to a woven wrap with diagonal stretch, but because they are handwoven and of particularly high quality, they are much easier to tie.

De føles lette og luftige, men har samme gram per kvadratmeter = 270 gram per kvm. De er meget stærke og holdbare, så du trygt kan bruge din rebozo til vikle for dit barn fra 0-5 år.
Vores rebozo vikler er i 100% bomuld er de bløde, slidstærke, allergivenlige, transporterer fugt væk fra kroppen, varmer, når det er køligt og køler, når det er lunt.

It is an advantage to choose a handwoven rebozo for the wrap or sling

Rebozo wraps are safe, ergonomic and high quality

Several studies show that newborns and small children need to be as close to their parents as possible for better mental-emotional, and for physical development. A rebozo wrap forms a wonderful and perfect nest for your baby. It provides optimal support for a growing baby's head and spine.

Keeps baby calm and happy

Babies who are in close contact with their mother/father are more comfortable, calm and secure. The baby feels comfortable looking without being overstimulated. By staying at the same height as mom/dad/partner the baby is easily integrated into social life. You can breastfeed, bottle-make or do other things with your hands free.

Reduces Colic

In a rebozo wrap, belly-to-belly and vertical position aids digestion and reduces colic.

When talking about the difference between stretch wraps and woven wraps in general, the difference is:

En stretch wrap has much more stretch in the fabric. This means that it is easier to tie than a regular woven wrap and the baby can be placed in the wrap after you have tied it. There are two types of stretch wraps: one type stretches only one way - lengthwise, the other stretches both ways - length and width. Because of its stretch, it cannot carry as much weight as a woven wrap, as it is not "firm" enough. That's why stretch wraps are mostly used for newborns. As opposed to a woven wrap, which can carry both baby and a small child up to 20 kg.

En woven wrap provides maximum support for both mother and baby. A woven wrap has diagonal stretch, which makes the fabric more firm and thus provides a lot more support than a stretch wrap. It can therefore also carry a heavier child and you can carry your child for a long time. A woven wrap distributes the weight differently than a stretch wrap and provides more support, therefore it is ergonomically better for mother and child and you can carry your child for longer periods of time without back pain. A woven wrap can be tied in many different ways. It also looks very pretty. There are bindings that are easy and better for beginners and then there are also more advanced ones that are for the experienced.

When tying a woven wrap the baby should be placed on the stomach/chest first, where you then tie the wrap around the baby. It takes a little practice, which we recommend you do with e.g. a pillow first. The baby can be carried on the front of the stomach/chest or on the back/back carrier. When carrying on the back in a wrap, you put the cloth on the child and get the child on its back, then you tie the wrap. You can see more examples of binding/babywearing in our video guides below on this page.

The difference compared to a rebozo wrap as a woven wrap

A rebozo wrap has several similarities with a regular woven wrap. It has diagonal stretch and maximum support. It weighs the same as other woven wraps - 270 grams per square metre. It is also tied around the child as a starting point and can be tied in many different ways.

A handwoven rebozo wrap: maximum support for mother and baby, easy to tie and at the same time very soft

The Rebozo wrap from Rebozo Copenhagen differs in that it is handwoven on a pedal loom - not on a factory assembly line. Knowledge of the weaving technique of the rebozo has been passed down through many generations and is a proud family tradition for artisans in Mexico. Our wrap is very much both durable and strong in its structure, but unlike regular woven wraps it doesn't feel stiff or very firm. It provides maximum support, yet feels easy to tie and is very soft. That's why many people are delighted and surprised when they try our rebozos compared to other woven wraps. For the difference is clearly felt.

Because our rebozos are so soft and easy to tie, while providing ergonomically correct and secure support, our rebozos can be used from newborn and up to 5 years. Regular woven wraps are usually used from 6 months.

You can see our selection of beautiful rebozos for wraps here:

You can buy an authentic handwoven rebozo in our webshop. We work with various artisans who have passed down their expertise through generations. Each features their local family workshop in Mexico with the family's chosen colours, texture and finished fringe knotted/tied by hand in the family's unique design.

Vælg mellem rebozo med multifunktion eller rebozo til vikle:

Handwoven rebozo with multifunction: Scarf, carrying sling and for rebozo massage - all in one rebozo:

Size 1-3 is length between 2.20 meters to 3.00 meters and is called a sling. Tied over one shoulder.

Handwoven rebozo for wrap: Soft 100% cotton woven wrap with diagonal stretch. From the age of 0-5:

Size 4-6 is length between 3.70 meters to 4.70 meters and is called a wrap. Ties over both shoulders.

We share some tips and instructions on this page for tying wraps as well as a safety guide and washing instructions.

You can also search for courses and classes with sling guidance. For example, there are many maternity activities where some of the classes have sling guidance/wrap guidance. You can also contact a sling guide/coach who will advise and show you how to tie slings and wraps.

Du er også velkommen til at kontakte os. Vi kan henvise til en slyngevejleder.
Her på siden kan du finde tips og video-guides til at binde vikler. God fornøjelse
Du kan både slutte din binding af viklen med en knude eller med 1-2 ringe. Vi har ikke hørt nogen bruge betegnelsen ringvikle, men det muligt at lukke/binde en vikle med ring. Det kan du se i en af vores videoer.

We recommend that you read our safety guide before tying and carrying your child in slings or wraps. You can see our safety guide here:

It is important that you wash your product before use to ensure that the fabric is completely clean and to allow the fabric to 'set' in place so that the rebozo is fully functional and soft and easy to tie and apply. If you follow our washing instructions, there's a good chance you'll have your rebozo for a lifetime with all the good memories it holds. You can see our washing instructions here:

Safety and washing instructions


  • Distance: you should be able to kiss the child's head. The rebozo must support the child's neck/back of the head. Between the child's head- from the chin to its chest, 2 adult fingers should be able to fit under the child's chin. To ensure free airways. Check this regularly.
  • The child's hands up by its face.
  • Free airways, the child's face, nose and mouth must not be covered.
  • Round the back of the child, make sure the fabric is smoothed and firm up the child's back.
  • Frog position - Frog position: knees above/raised above buttocks.

We recommend that you occasionally check that the baby is at a good temperature, neither too hot nor too cold. Check the baby's neck by feeling it: If it is warm and wet/sweaty, the baby is too warm. Then you can take a break from carrying the baby or take off some clothes or wear skin-to-skin. If the neck is cold, the baby is too cold. Put on some more clothes on the baby. The baby's neck should be warm and reasonably dry.

It is recommended to carry the child facing the mother/father/partner for safety and to avoid too many impressions - up to 8-9 months at least before turning the child outwards or carrying it on the back.

Choosing a rebozo for a sling or wrap and following our safety instructions will ensure an ergonomically correct position for your baby, and as such there are no restrictions on how long baby can sit in the sling or wrap. You should go with what you feel most comfortable with on your baby's behalf.

A rebozo can also be called a kind of baby carrier, as it is used to carry the baby and can be made adjustable with slip-knot knots or rings. As it has a woven stretch and follows the movements of mother and baby, it is more comfortable and gentle on baby's spine when used as a sling or wrap.


Wash the product before use*: For cleanliness and for the stretch of the fabric to "set". Tie the fringes together with a hair elastic and wash at 30º.

*Do not tumble dry.

WAVE: Hang to dry "in waves" - over 4 clotheslines. It is best for the rebozo.

*We recommend that you use a mild and unscented detergent/washing powder. E.g. labelled with "Svanemærket" and "Astma-Allergi Danmark".)

Rebozo multifunktion til rebozo massage - size 1-3


Rebozo Emma

Rebozo Emma Green


Rebozo for wrap - size 4-6